expressive style

美 [ɪkˈspresɪv staɪl]英 [ɪkˈspresɪv staɪl]
  • 网络表现风格;表达风格
expressive styleexpressive style


a way of expressing something (in language or art or music etc.) that is characteristic of a particular person or group of people or period
all the reporters were expected to adopt the style of the newspaper
Synonym: style


  1. A neatly short and concise expressive style .


  2. The expressive style of speech can be regularly constructed on the basis of guidance factors and material factors .


  3. An expressive style that uses excessive words .


  4. By analyzing the music expression , subject selection and expressive style , his music features are explained .


  5. Yiding Li is always pursuing improvement in exploring exterior expressive style and inner deep feelings of music .


  6. This paper makes an analysis of the cohesive errors in Chinese students ' English writing , mainly from the perspectives of grammar , lexicon , logical connectors , and textual expressive style .


  7. Later , building on the work of C é zanne and Gauguin , he and Andre Derain developed Fauvism , a much freer and more expressive style of painting which was in fact the forerunner of Expressionism .


  8. The Transformers : Animated toy line merges the more fluid , expressive design style of the cartoon with extremely poseable robot forms .


  9. But as you get more comfortable with the newer syntax , your code will gradually evolve to embrace the more concise , expressive Groovy style .


  10. Then , according to Confucius ′ lecturing practice , it discusses Confucius ′ expressive principles and style .


  11. An Analysis of the Expressive Modes of the Style of Su Shi 's Ci Poetry with Isomorphism of Gestalt Psychology


  12. Detailed analysis on the piano external and internal factors of success , playing control , mastery of expressive playing , playing style of the master and so on .


  13. Designers can choose variant expressive styles for different consumers and form an interesting expressive style to attract consumers , fascinate them to generate a favor , exclude other rivals ' influence and finally decide to buy the merchandise .
